On the first day of the event, the official opening of the week will be held with an opening ceremony, keynote addresses and interventions in the field of the Internationalization of Higher Education and relations between Europe and Latin America. Likewise, there will be a meeting of Institutional Representatives that will symbolically inaugurate the PONCHO Network and the commitments acquired for the sustainability of the project.
On days 2, 3 and 4 of the event, the PONCHO Student Camp will be held. This activity represents an intercultural and mobility experience for the selected students of the partner Universities, in which specific activities related to the academic dimension of internationalization will be developed. In addition, activities and talks will be held to promote the participation of the student community in the internationalization process. On the 4th day of the event, the PONCHO partners will hold the last face-to-face project management meeting.
On the 5th of the event, the PONCHO Fair will take place, which will represent the occasion to involve other stakeholders in the region and / or international and disseminate the results of the PONCHO project. The students, together with the technical staff of each University, will participate in the preparation of the PONCHO International Fair, in which they will represent their institution and their country of origin. Finally, on the same day, the official closing ceremony of the week will take place.
The activities and technical contents to be implemented in each of the parts of the week, have been agreed on jointly by the partnership through specific commissions (Student Camp, Fair, Institutional Day).
The PONCHO International Week represents the closing event of the project and will allow the partnership to consolidate the scope of the expected objectives, disseminate the results of the internationalization process to all the academic categories involved, as well as encourage the participation in it of other relevant actors and institutions.
This course has been developed by putting special emphasis on needs of universities’ academic staff relating to internationalization.
The main objectives of the online training course include:
- to increase the capacity of universities to develop internationalization
- to develop skills and competence of universities’ staff in internationalization process, and in preparing competitive international projects
- to broaden knowledge and know-how of European universities by transferring this knowledge to Latin American peripheral universities,
- to integrate Latin American peripheral universities into international good practices,
- to enhance functioning of International Relations Offices of partner universities.
The course is composed of three thematic modules, i.e.
- Internationalization strategies at a higher education institution
- Management and Quality of a project
- Webquest as an example of internationalized shaping of students’ skills in using modern technologies
La Universidade Federal da Grande Dourados celebrará el día 19 de febrero un Info Day bajo el título “Cooperaçao Educacional com a Uniao Europeia”.
El evento tendrá el siguiente programa:
1 – European financing opportunities in the field of Higher Education –> Prof(a) Elena Lugli, da ULPGC 🇪🇸 (palestra em espanhol);
Saiba mais sobre a palestrante: http://cooperacion.ulpgc.es/equipo/elena-lugli/
2 – Sucessos e desafios da vertente europeia da estratégia de internacionalização da UFGD –> Prof. Tomaz Espósito Neto, do ESAI – UFGD;
3 – Estudo de Caso: “INOVIA – A universidade latino-americana no coração dos desafios de inovações sociais e técnicas sustentáveis nos sistemas agroalimentares territoriais” –> Prof(a) Eliana Janet Sanjinez Argandoña, da FAEN-UFGD.
Curso de formación teórica sobre Fundamentos del Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior impartido por el profesor Doctor Heriberto Suárez-Falcón, de la Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (ULPGC).
Se puede acceder al contenido del curso, como en anteriores ocasiones, entrando con la contraseña al apartado FORUM.
The major goal of this meeting is to approve the Quality Plan. This Plan has been reviewed by the Committee during September and October.
The major goal of this meeting is to approve the Communication and Dissemination Plan. This Plan has been reviewed by the Committee during September and the first week of October.
PONCHO communication and dissemination committee meeting. The status of the review process of the Project Communication Plan will be analyzed.