PONCHO’ s Intermediate Meeting (28 nov – 1 dec 2017)
The PONCHO’s Intermediate Meeting was held at Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (Brazil) with the participation of all project partners (28 nov-1 dec). The Coordinator of the project presented to...
Practical Training at Université Bretagne Sud – France (4 to 8 December 2017)
In accordance to WP3, the Université Bretagne Sud received staff from Latin American partners for a practical training which took place in Lorient from the 4 to the 8 December...
Convenio de cooperación interinstitucional entre Tecnológico de Antioquia (Colombia) y Universidade da Grande Dourados (Brasil)
El proyecto PONCHO continúa creando nuevos lazos de cooperación. Cumpliendo con el objetivo principal del proyecto, enfocado en promover el proceso de internacionalización de las instituciones de educación superior de América...
El Tecnológico de Antioquia (TdeA) miembro organizador de la 9ª LACHEC
El Tecnológico de Antioquia – I.U. formó parte del comité organizador de la 9º Conferencia Latinoamericana y del Caribe para la Internacionalización de la Educación Superior (LACHEC) desarrollada en Medellín...
International Mobility for the Universidades Federal Grande Dourados (Brazil)
We would like to inform that it is open the period of receipt of documents for the application of students interested in conducting International Mobility for the Universidade Federal Grande...
Collaboration between UNACH (Ecuador) and ULPGC (Spain) within the framework of the PONCHO project
With the aim of extending and consolidating collaboration with the Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Davinia Sánchez, member of the Editorial Board, the Publications and Intellectual Property Unit...